Improve Faster

SPAITRTM provides players and coaches with the tech they need to succeed


SPAITRTM is a sports technology company developed to put a smart device in lacrosse and ice hockey players’ sticks that tracks their data and displays it to players, coaches, and parents in a user-friendly, tangible way. 

A device called a NEURO, encased in a rubber end cap is placed on the bottom of the player’s stick and it is used to track stick movements and player data including, but not limited to, repetitions, shot speed, and angle of release.

All of this data is then transferred via Bluetooth to the SPAITRTM app platform and displayed on the athlete’s performance profile for the athlete to see and utilize. If an athlete is part of a team, their data will then be shared with the team. This will allow coaches to utilize data to track improvement and make changes, as well as hold people accountable for putting in the work off the field. Additionally, practice is gamified by allowing players to compete against each other on leaderboards, incentivizing work ethic, and encouraging improvement.

Who are we?

SPAITRTM is a company built upon the foundation of hard work and accountability. As a young lacrosse player our CEO, Nathaniel Hunt, remembers the hours that he would put in outside of practice and games; playing wall ball off a tree when he didn’t have a bounceback or a wall, asking his dad to put up lights in the trees so he could play after it got dark, shoveling the backyard for hours so he could continue to play in the middle of the winter. This is what SPAITRTM is. We are the drive to get better when no one is looking, we are the want to improve when maybe there is something “more fun” to do, and we are the commitment to our teammates to put in the work on our own for the betterment of the team.

SPAITR Mission

Develop an ever-growing web of both player and team shot, form, practice, and game data, as well as provide an expansive platform where players, coaches, and parents can interact socially, educationally, and competitively.


Our Story

Nathaniel first had the idea for SPAITR as a senior in high school while attending the NCAA Lacrosse National Championship weekend. After watching the high level of play all weekend, Nathaniel thought about all of the lacrosse teams that he has seen with the inability to improve because players would only pick up their sticks during games and practice. This lack of off-the-field dedication to the game left teams focusing on fundamentals during practices instead of working on improving together. With no way to hold players accountable for their own practice other than a text message and a reliance on the honor system, Nathaniel wanted a solution to track the work people were putting in off the field so they could get better as a team.

This was when the idea for SPAITRTM was born, however, the reality of the device that could accomplish this goal was still years down the road. With a lack of technical background, Nathaniel began to try solutions such as attaching an AppleWatch to a stick to try to track repetitions by seeing how many steps the watch would count, but to no avail. As the years went by Nathaniel continued to think about how he could solve this problem for lacrosse players, without a technical background it would be impossible to make the idea a reality, but that didn’t stop Nathaniel from thinking about the product for two years, slowly solving the problems that occurred to him in his head.

Two years later, Nathaniel transferred colleges to the University of New Hampshire and heard about a resource called the Entrepreneurship Center (ECenter), a place where young entrepreneurs would be coached on their venture ideas. After meeting with the ECenter for the first time, Nathaniel found a board of people looking for ideas and found who would end up being his first Co-founder - CPO, Brady Esmaili. Brady then introduced Nathaniel to CTO, Joey Neleber, and Nick Camara, and this became the initial founding team of SPAITRTM, and the team has been working on making SPAITR a reality for the last two years.

Where Are We Now?

Since the founding of SPAITRTM the company has taken massive strides toward making the SPAITRTM Platform a reality. We currently have a fantastic team of six employees and are looking to grow as quickly as possible. Through the hard work of this phenomenal team of dedicated individuals, the SPAITRTM end cap prototype is now a reality, and tracking the variables that were most important to the hundreds of lacrosse players, coaches, and parents that we talked to during our customer discovery process - Reps, Angle of Release, and Shot Speed. This current prototype and these variables are the launch pad for our vision of an all-encompassing player device that will provide never-before-seen player data directly into the hands of players, coaches, and parents.


Our Hardware

SPAITR™ Neuro tracks stick performance data.

Our App

View all your stats and improve through our user-friendly platform.